All React-testing-library posts

  • Testing React Hook Form With React Testing Library

    Testing React Hook Form With React Testing Library

    Updated on · 8 min read

    React Hook Form has emerged as a popular and efficient library for managing form state and validation in React applications. It simplifies handling form inputs, reduces boilerplate code, and provides a performant solution for form management. However, testing these forms efficiently and accurately is just as important as implementing them.

  • Best Practices for Writing Tests with React Testing Library

    Best Practices for Writing Tests with React Testing Library

    Updated on · 10 min read

    Properly written tests not only help prevent regressions and buggy code, but in the case of React Testing Library, they also improve the accessibility of components and the overall user experience. In this post, we'll explore how to get the most out of your React Testing Library tests. I'll provide a collection of what I consider to be best practices and tips on how to avoid common mistakes with React Testing Library.

  • Testing Select Components with React Testing Library

    Testing Select Components with React Testing Library

    Updated on · 7 min read

    Learn how to test Select components with React Testing Library, including native selects, synchronous and asynchronous react-select components, and best practices for accessibility. Explore code examples and tips for testing custom select components in React.

  • Enzyme vs React Testing Library: A Migration Guide

    Enzyme vs React Testing Library: A Migration Guide

    Updated on · 14 min read

    This blog post provides a basic comparison of both libraries and presents a migration guide based on code samples from each library. We'll write tests for the Tic-Tac-Toe game from an earlier post using Enzyme and then transform them into React Testing Library tests.

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