All Redux posts

  • Simplifying Connected Props with Redux and TypeScript

    Simplifying Connected Props with Redux and TypeScript

    Updated on · 4 min read

    Learn how to simplify connected props with Redux and TypeScript by using the ConnectedProps helper type. In this article, we'll walk through a concrete example and show you how to automatically infer the types of connected props from mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps. This will help you avoid manual type declaration and improve the maintainability of your app.

  • Optimize Redux Development: Simplify Boilerplate Creation with Code Generators and Plop.js

    Optimize Redux Development: Simplify Boilerplate Creation with Code Generators and Plop.js

    Updated on · 6 min read

    Many developers seek ways to simplify their Redux development workflow and improve efficiency. In this article, we'll explore how to speed up your Redux development by automating the process of scaffolding boilerplate code with Plop.js code generators. We'll cover the best practices for using Plop.js in your Redux projects, how it can help you reduce boilerplate, and streamline your development process.

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