All Productivity posts

  • Continuously Deploying Next.js Website to DigitalOcean Using GitHub Actions

    Continuously Deploying Next.js Website to DigitalOcean Using GitHub Actions

    Updated on · 7 min read

    In this post, we'll dive into the automation of a Next.js website deployment to DigitalOcean using GitHub Actions. We'll discuss what GitHub Actions are and how they can be utilized to continuously deploy modifications to a remote server. This approach reduces the requirement for manual intervention and minimizes downtime. By the conclusion of this post, you'll have a robust understanding of how to automate your deployment workflow and achieve faster, more reliable deployments with ease.

  • Productivity Benefits of Integrating ChatGPT Into the Front-End Development Process

    Productivity Benefits of Integrating ChatGPT Into the Front-End Development Process

    Updated on · 8 min read

    Boost your web development productivity with ChatGPT. Learn how to leverage its features for code generation, debugging, optimization, and more in TypeScript and JavaScript projects.

  • Tips on Becoming a Self-taught Developer

    Tips on Becoming a Self-taught Developer

    Updated on · 10 min read

    Lately, I have been asked increasingly often for some tips on how to become a self-taught developer, so I thought I'd write a post about it, reflecting on my experience and pointing out the things I'd do differently. In this article, I'll try to give general advice on how to improve for those considering or maybe already on the way to becoming self-taught software developers. It should be noted that the focus of the post is on front-end development since that's what I did; however, a majority of the advice can be applied to becoming a software engineer, irrespective of focus.

  • Removing Duplicates with Map In JavaScript

    Removing Duplicates with Map In JavaScript

    Updated on · 5 min read

    Removing duplicate items from an array using Set is a common practice in JavaScript. However, what's less well-known is that the Map data structure can also be used for this purpose. The reason is that Map maintains key uniqueness, which means that there can't be more than one key-value pair with the same key.

  • Simplifying Code with Maps In JavaScript and React

    Simplifying Code with Maps In JavaScript and React

    Updated on · 6 min read

    The Map data structure is a relatively lesser-known addition of ES6 to the JavaScript language. It offers several advantages over objects, particularly when it comes to storing collections of key-value pairs. One interesting use case of Map is simplifying React components that render different JSX based on frequently changing state variables.

  • Optimize Redux Development: Simplify Boilerplate Creation with Code Generators and Plop.js

    Optimize Redux Development: Simplify Boilerplate Creation with Code Generators and Plop.js

    Updated on · 6 min read

    Many developers seek ways to simplify their Redux development workflow and improve efficiency. In this article, we'll explore how to speed up your Redux development by automating the process of scaffolding boilerplate code with Plop.js code generators. We'll cover the best practices for using Plop.js in your Redux projects, how it can help you reduce boilerplate, and streamline your development process.

  • Speed Up Your React Developer Workflow with Plop.js Code Generators

    Speed Up Your React Developer Workflow with Plop.js Code Generators

    Updated on · 8 min read

    As React developers, we often find ourselves setting up new components, connecting them with the existing infrastructure, or scaffolding applications. That's a lot of repetitive manual work, which even though doesn't happen that often, can be quite tedious and frankly, boring. Fortunately, there is a solution that can help us to automate this process and save time: JavaScript code generators.

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